
Showing posts from June, 2016

Daftar Penyakit dan Solusi Usana oleh Dr. Gerald Lewis


The best in Australia

USANA was acknowledged as the best vitamin in Australia by a national TV.

Jack Ma : stop complaining, you can find opportunities - sub...


Bill Gates - Network Marketing


Batu Empedu (Gallstones) dan USANA

Empedu adalah cairan dalam kantong empedu yang berperan dalam pencernaan lemak. Jika cairan ini mengeras, maka akan terbentuk batu empedu. Ukuran batu empedu bermacam-macam. Ada yang sekecil butiran pasir dan ada yang sebesar bola pingpong. Jumlah batu yang terbentuk dalam kantong empedu juga bervariasi, misalnya ada orang yang hanya memiliki satu buah batu dan ada yang lebih banyak. Baca lagi... Solusi USANA: Essentials Hepasil DTX  



Kita Perlu Vitamin

Kita perlu vitamin....

Sinusitis dan USANA

Sinusitis adalah inflamasi atau peradangan pada dinding sinus. Inflamasi ini sering kali disebabkan oleh infeksi virus atau bakteri. Sinus adalah rongga kecil berisi udara yang terletak di belakang tulang pipi dan dahi. Sinusitis termasuk penyakit umum yang bisa menjangkiti orang-orang pada segala umur. Baca lagi... Solusi USANA : Essentials   Proflavanol C100

Nutrition Information - Informasi Nutrisi

Essentials Proflavanol C100 Active Calcium CalMag Chewable  BIOmega CoQuinone 30 Procosa Visionex


CoQ10 has been found to be significantly decreased in patients with cancer. When this nutrient is given to cancer patients in supplementation not only are their immune systems improved but also tumor growth is inhibited and in some cases there is regression.

Bioflavonoid antioxidants

Bioflavonoid antioxidants, which are found in high concentrations in our fruits and vegetables, are known to be potent antioxidants. Clinical studies have shown they are effective in inhibiting tumor growth and also decreasing the growth of blood vessels within the tumor itself.

Make Sure Your Needs Are Being Met

People who may want to consider a multivitamin or mineral supplement to boost their metabolism include the following: Strict vegetarians may need extra calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Women with heavy menstrual bleeding may need to replace iron each month. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding (an activity beneficial to metabolism) need more of some nutrients. Be sure to speak with your doctor first. Menopausal women may need calcium supplements. People on a low-calorie diet can benefit from supplements. People over sixty years of age may have a decreased absorption of numerous vitamins and minerals. People who suffer from lactose intolerance or milk allergies may be advised to take a vitamin D and a calcium supplements. People with impaired nutrient absorption may be instructed by their doctor to take a supplement. People who regularly smoke and/or drink alcohol because these habits interfere with the body’s ...

Vitamin K

This fat-soluble vitamin is important because of its ability to help create a protein that causes blood to clot, but it also helps to boost the metabolism by bonding calcium to bones (which increases bone mass). Less brittle bones reduce the likelihood of bone fractures during exercise or other activity. Though the vitamin is produced from the bacteria that live in your intestine, it can also be found in leafy greens, avocado, and kiwi. Ask your doctor before changing your vitamin K intake if you take the medication warfarin (Coumadin).

Vitamin E

By eating foods rich in vitamin E or by investing in a supplement that provides no more than 1,000 milligrams of the nutrient for adults – any more can cause adverse health effects – you can boost your memory and prevent damage caused by the breakdown of saturated fats – such as infertility and heart disease – especially if you take it along with the mineral selenium. So while you are boosting your metabolism, make sure to protect against those nasty free radicals and snap up some asparagus, beans, seeds, eggs, and healthy oils next time you are at the grocery store.

Vitamin C

Be honest, you probably don’t take vitamin C until you have a cold – but you should. Its antioxidant properties lower the risk of heart disease by barring free radicals from building up on artery walls and causing atherosclerosis. It also improves blood pressure and, at levels of 1,000 to 2,000 milligram, can help synthesize and thus reduce the effects of the amino acid homocysteine. On top of its heart-healthy benefits, vitamin C assists with the synthesizing of the amino acid carnitine, which in turn helps break down ingested fats. Beware of taking high doses of vitamin C supplements (more than 2,000 mg per day), however: This can cause nausea, diarrhea, kidney stones, and stomach inflammation.

Apa itu Foliic Acid?

Folic acid – a vitamin naturally found in leafy vegetables, oranges, wheat germ, and avocados – is critical to cell reproduction because it stabilizes DNA and, with the help of vitamin B12, aids in the production of hemoglobin. Metabolic benefits include regulating the body’s insulin levels so it doesn’t absorb unnecessary fat, and digesting and using proteins for energy with the help of B12 and vitamin C. For women who may become pregnant, researchers recommend a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid per day from fortified foods or dietary supplements.   Folic acid has been shown to protect against the development of precancerous tumors in patients with ulcerative colitis. These patients have a very high risk to develop colon cancer. Diminished folate levels in the body are related to a significantly increased risk of developing several different types of cancer. Read more >>

Apa itu Selenium?

Selenium yang ada pada gandum dan kacang-kacangan dapat mencegah kanker. Selenium supplementation (200 mcg) has been shown to decrease the risk of prostate cancer by 74 percent, colon cancer by 60 percent, and lung cancer by 30 percent. Many of the antioxidant defense systems are dependent on selenium (especially glutathione) to perform their job in handling free radicals. Read more >>

USANA Product Information 2014

Read here...

Magnesium dan Sakit Jantung

Dalam sebuah penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, peserta dewasa dengan ekskresi magnesium urin ter endah , indikator serapan magnesium , memiliki peningkatan risiko yang signifikan dari penyakit jantung iskemik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa magnesium yang rendah ekskresi urin , indikator status magnesium , mungkin terkait dengan peningkatan risiko kejadian IHD . Oleh karena itu , risiko penyakit jantung iskemik dapat dikurangi dengan meningkatkan asupan makanan dari magnesium , terutama pada mereka dengan ekskresi magnesium urin terendah. Read more >> Solusi USANA: Active Calcium and Calcium Magnesium Chewable