Apa itu Foliic Acid?

Folic acid – a vitamin naturally found in leafy vegetables, oranges, wheat germ, and avocados – is critical to cell reproduction because it stabilizes DNA and, with the help of vitamin B12, aids in the production of hemoglobin. Metabolic benefits include regulating the body’s insulin levels so it doesn’t absorb unnecessary fat, and digesting and using proteins for energy with the help of B12 and vitamin C. For women who may become pregnant, researchers recommend a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid per day from fortified foods or dietary supplements.

 Folic acid has been shown to protect against the development of precancerous tumors in patients with ulcerative colitis. These patients have a very high risk to develop colon cancer. Diminished folate levels in the body are related to a significantly increased risk of developing several different types of cancer.


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